Friday, December 28, 2012

I resolve to...

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

New Year's approaches and with it resolutions for change in the New Year; lose weight, change habits, exercise more; and any manner of other things that we believe necessary to change in order to be "better". 

You form your experience (yes, even how you experience yourself) through your beliefs and expectations.  These ideas about yourself and the nature of reality will affect your thoughts and emotions and subsequently your actions. You take your beliefs as truth, with out question,and see them as reality. As if you really were fat, slovenly and lazy!

I think this year I will resolve to examine my beliefs and change those that create a self diminishing reality.  Perhaps you'd like to join me?

Friday, December 21, 2012

There's magic in the air

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

'Tis the season that has inspired people to write some of the most beautiful music ever heard and to create some of the most magnificent works of art ever experienced. May you be inspired to fill your heart with the music of laughter and prayer and the creation of love, gratitude and kindness.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I was only joking!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
Sarcasm:  A devious way of stepping on someone else to make yourself feel taller.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The devil made me do it!!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Once blame is assigned nothing has to change-nor will it!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving every day?

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Research has shown that practicing gratitude leads to happiness, health, long life and prosperity.  Seems like all those would be  reasons to give thanks 365 days a year instead of just one!  Maybe the Thanksgiving holidays could be the start of a new practice of gratitude for you?  Work on looking for things to be grateful for each day and you'll be amazed at the change in your attitude and your life.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Problem or Challenge?

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Viewing a problem as simply a challenge creates conditions for a more favorable outcome.  Not to mention a less stressful life.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

About wanting

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

We made it!  We are getting settled in to our new surroundings and so it is time once again to say hello to all of you who are kind enough to follow our blog. 
It is each human being's inherent right to want.  It is no human being's inherent responsibility to fulfill that want.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Health is more than just the absence of illness. Health involves:  The ability to enjoy life; Resilience; Balance; Flexibility; Maximizing opportunities; and Beneficial relationships.

You've probably noticed that our posts have been a little erratic lately.  MindBody is in process of physically relocating to Scottsdale, Arizona.  Our move date is rapidly approaching and so there will be a hiatus in our blogging.  We'll let you know when we're up and blogging again.  Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Don't like what you're experiencing?  You might want to change what your thinking and expecting

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Today's focus on MINDBODY:  The brain runs on sugar, the simple sugar glucose which is what carbohydrates turn into. FRUCTOSE however is a whole other story.  A horror story actually considering how much fructose is poured into the American food supply. FRUCTOSE is metabolized by the liver in a process that increases the production of triglycerides-much like a high fat diet. these triglycerides create fatty liver disease.  They also get pumped into the blood stream creating a risk for heart disease.  When they finally make their way to the brain they contribute to cognitive deficits.

A high fructose diet impairs memory,creates difficulty in the ability of brain cells to transmit from one neuron to the next.  It also contributes to insulin resistance which in turn contributes to the brain creating increased levels of the protein responsible for the brain plaques found in Alzheimer;s disease.  It also contributes to deficits in insulin signaling in the brain which in turn may foster the development of depression.

REALLY F.D.A.!!! High fructose syrup in our food supply is safe???

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
"If only I were (put your favorite magic answer here) then
I would be (happy, satisfied, complete, good enough etc.)"

The fact is, there is never enough of whatever the magic answer is to make you ok  when you're not ok with you.

Might want to think about just being ok with you.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
All human characteristics have assets and liabilities.  The objective is to operate in such a way as to experience assets with more frequency than  liabilities. Also known as balance I think.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Regret: The belief that had you only done something different you would have liked the outcome better.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Judgements:  Those things we  believe we are, that we don't like, that we try to give to others.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

If self-esteem came from other people or other things probably we would call it "other-esteem" but we don't so where do you suppose it comes from?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
Nothing about you is about anybody else and nothing about anybody else is about you.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

All is a reflection of ourself and is of our making.  Thus, reality may be said to be a delusion. Why not make it a comfortable delusion?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
Creation: thought and feeling set into motion. What are you thinking?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Anxiety-the feeling people feel when they won't feel what they need to feel.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

What do Psychosis, Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Addiction have in common?  The Internet and mobile technology.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

The road to disappointment is paved with expectations.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Fear of the unknown is a consequence of pretending you know

Friday, June 22, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

This week's blog has one entry rather than the usual two because today's message is longer than those customarily presented-two or three nutshells full I'm thinking.
Over the thirty some years that I have been practicing as a therapist I've had occasion to note that the nature and extent of human discomfort has had some dramatic shifts.  That prompted me, about 12-15 years ago to begin studying nutrition and herbology because it was becoming more and more apparent, to me, that "You Are What You Eat" is indeed true.
  The dramatic increases in anxiety, depression, autism, adhd, alzheimers, reproductive difficulties,and many other conditions along with the increases in severity of presenting issues led me to believe that it wasn't just about the media and television.  Human misery was becoming too pervasive for that to be the answer. It occured to me that the increasing use, by agribusiness, of substances that are designed to kill living things by attacking their nervous system and or their cellular structure just might be largely responsible for the shifts I was seeing. So, I became one ot the "extremists" that worked with my clients to rid their diets of processed foods and conventionally grown meats and vegetables. The sometimes dramatic changes in my clients proved to me that what I thought to be true was, even though, back then, I would have been hard pressed to provide "scientific evidence" for what I was espousing
  In recent years there have been many studies done on the effects of pesticides and herbicides and here's some of what they say.  Autism, birth defects, brain dysfunction, reproductive dysfunction, Alzheimers, learning diabilities and some cancers to name a few are caused by pesticides.  Herbicides are deadly to embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells and responsible for DNA damage.
  Self-actualization and being whacked out by agribusiness don't go together. Eat organic and stay away from processed foods.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

The extent to which you judge, blame, criticize and compare is the extent to which you will experience discomfort in this life.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Life doesn't require anything you don't have.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
Why? Because if it weren't that way it would be different.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Fairness is often dependent upon whether or not a person likes what they got in a particular situation.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
Hi! Hope you all enjoyed your long holiday weekend.  As you can see I was enjoying mine so much it took me a while to get back in the swing of things.
The whole idea of remembering those from the past got me thinking about something that, like most things in life, has the potential of being both a blessing and a curse depending upon how we use it.

Remembering the past and those for whom we feel gratitude and love-a blessing.
Remembering the past and those for whom we feel anger and resentment-a curse.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

At the point of birth each human being is issued one unit of worth.  It cannot be added to.  It cannot be subtracted from.  It is equal to everyone else's one unit and you keep it your entire life.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Jealousy-Not trusting that you are enough.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Guilt-the expression of good intentions we do not have.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

 Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

If it should it would. Since it didn't it must shouldn't.