Friday, December 13, 2013

The pendulum swings...

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Judgementalism: A two sided sword that brings satisfaction when it swings away but pain when it  swings back

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I like your attitude!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Thanksgiving isn't an annual holiday-It's a way to live!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Don'tcha just hate it!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
It has been said that love is the absence of fear.  It would seem to follow then that hate is an over-abundance of fear.  So-if there is someone you hate, or even dislike-what makes them so scary??

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The hurrier I go the behinder I get

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
I was chatting with a client, who works 60 hours a week, and he was explaining to me how he would be a better person if only he could figure out a way to do more and have more acheivements in his life.  The thing about being a "human doing" rather than a "human being" is you can never do enough to get good enough!

Friday, September 27, 2013

You complete me....

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Looking to something or someone else to make you whole has the same net effect as multiplying fractions. The numbers get smaller: e.g. 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

Monday, September 9, 2013


Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

"Love thy neighbor as thyself" .  Perhaps many of the world's ills stem from the fact that  many people do?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Omnipotent reigneth...

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Depression:  The feeling you feel when you think life stinks and are certain that it is all your fault.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Just give me the facts

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
The fact is you think it is so, not that it is so and a fact.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

In sickness and in health

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

People, it seems to me, will do almost anything and be willing to spend almost any amount of time and money in order to stop being ill.  They are not so willing, it seems, to do those same things to stay healthy!

Can some of you tell me what that's about???

Friday, June 21, 2013

The staff of life??

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit
I was coaching one of my  nutrition and weight management clients the other day and he asked why I encourage people to avoid grains-especially refined grains.  Given all the conflicting information available I thought I would share my answer with you.

Wheat, refined grains, and gluten create a reaction in the intestines that sets off all kinds of problems and symptoms..  The ultimate effect of this  is  slow destruction of the lining of the small intestine that ends up causing things like leaky gut syndrome, nutritional deficiencies, and autoimmune reactions.  Grains that are processed and refined have no nutritional value, they mess with insulin levels and can lead to many negative health conditions.  So- my recommendation is to avoid them!

Monday, June 10, 2013

I'm so mad!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

ANGER: The feeling we feel when someone or something demonstrates just how insignificant we are-or at least think we are,

Friday, May 24, 2013

Just had a feeling...

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

You don't believe it because it "feels right" .  It  "feels right"  because you believe it. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Suffering from guilt?

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Guilt is among those emotions one need not have.  If you're going to feel guilty for doing it don't do it and you won't feel guilty.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

good grief!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

I've had occasion of late to observe and ponder grief.  The process through which we divest psychological energy from a person, place, or thing- potentially making that energy available to another person, place or thing.

                Without goodbyes there would be no hellos.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I can't decide!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Indecision:   Fear of making the wrong decision.  Wrong decision:  The outcome of a decision was not what you hoped it would be.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Let me tell you what's wrong with you!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

"Put downs": Stepping on someone else to make yourself feel taller

Monday, March 25, 2013

Absolutely will!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Think about this--If there were such things as "shoulds" there would be no need for "shouldn'ts"

Friday, March 15, 2013

If everyone else would change I'd be fine!

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

"He made me mad".  "She made me late". "He makes me jealous"  "More money would make me happy"."If my boss appreciated me I'd be more motivated".  As long as everyone and evrything else is responsible for what goes on with me I am helpless to change my experience.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions are all energy that have an electromagnetic quality that can create clusters of similar energies that become stored within the body on a cellular level.  The larger the clusters the more they influence the body either positively or negatively.  Negative energy clusters have the net effect of disrupting the body's energy flow and trapping the energy of the cluster in a way that damages tissue and causes malfunction.  Working with the energy of the mind helps to change the nature of the clusters formed.  Working with the energy of the body helps open up the flow of energy and prevent it being trapped within.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Technical difficulties

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Hi!  We hope you haven't gotten out of the habit of checking in to see what we're up to while we've been away.  We have been lost in the great domain in the sky but we're back and alive and well.

MindbodyArizona has relocated offices to:  8040 Morgan Trail , Suite 10 b, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258, Telephone: 480-459-1050, and we have been busily working to create an environment that both soothes and heals. We invite you to call and visit with us about your concerns - we can help.

It is going on 6 months since our move from Omaha to Arizona and it has been quite  the adventure! We must have needed a refresher lesson in " be patient " and  "wait and see"  because we have had occasion to do both! But, as is often the case, doing both of those usually results in a less stressful process and more successful outcome.
Glad to be here!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Because I said so

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Your body will be whatever your mind says you are...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The probability is...

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Given two possibilities each will occur roughly fifty percent of the time.  Sometimes we get what we want and sometimes we get what we don't want.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

And so it is

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

What you believe to be so will color your perceptions so that you only see what you believe to be so.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

That which is given the most attention will occur with the most frequency.

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

 Dwell on shortcomings and imperfections and
  you will meet them.  Focus on what you don't want and you will have it.  Put your focus on what you do want and it too will appear.