Friday, September 28, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Health is more than just the absence of illness. Health involves:  The ability to enjoy life; Resilience; Balance; Flexibility; Maximizing opportunities; and Beneficial relationships.

You've probably noticed that our posts have been a little erratic lately.  MindBody is in process of physically relocating to Scottsdale, Arizona.  Our move date is rapidly approaching and so there will be a hiatus in our blogging.  We'll let you know when we're up and blogging again.  Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Don't like what you're experiencing?  You might want to change what your thinking and expecting

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Today's focus on MINDBODY:  The brain runs on sugar, the simple sugar glucose which is what carbohydrates turn into. FRUCTOSE however is a whole other story.  A horror story actually considering how much fructose is poured into the American food supply. FRUCTOSE is metabolized by the liver in a process that increases the production of triglycerides-much like a high fat diet. these triglycerides create fatty liver disease.  They also get pumped into the blood stream creating a risk for heart disease.  When they finally make their way to the brain they contribute to cognitive deficits.

A high fructose diet impairs memory,creates difficulty in the ability of brain cells to transmit from one neuron to the next.  It also contributes to insulin resistance which in turn contributes to the brain creating increased levels of the protein responsible for the brain plaques found in Alzheimer;s disease.  It also contributes to deficits in insulin signaling in the brain which in turn may foster the development of depression.

REALLY F.D.A.!!! High fructose syrup in our food supply is safe???