Saturday, January 26, 2013

The probability is...

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

Given two possibilities each will occur roughly fifty percent of the time.  Sometimes we get what we want and sometimes we get what we don't want.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

And so it is

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

What you believe to be so will color your perceptions so that you only see what you believe to be so.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

That which is given the most attention will occur with the most frequency.

Life In a Nutshell: Simple wisdoms for connecting to self and spirit

 Dwell on shortcomings and imperfections and
  you will meet them.  Focus on what you don't want and you will have it.  Put your focus on what you do want and it too will appear.